Getting enough?

Anyone else currently on lockdown finding that they’re having WAY less sex than anticipated??

I was hoping having my bf home the same time as me (all the time lol) would mean we’d end up making the most of it.

As it is, he’s always off doing DIY/on video calls and I’m washing up the neverending plates that just appear! :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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Hey @frenchxvanilla - I can totally relate. I have always struggled with having a mis-matched libido with my boyfriend, so this has only emphasised that!!

We have talked about it much more after I was initially worried he wasn’t sexually attracted to me. But I think times like this people talk about having loadsss of sex if you’re living with your partner. In reality, it’s not always the case, and as you say we still manage to stay busy… and it’s a bit stressful right not so hard to switch off and get in the mood…

It sounds boring but I would schedule it in and make sure you have regular sex, as it’s a huge part of a relationship, and helps with stress too :slight_smile:

Keep us posted,
Elle xx

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Well as I am single lady it does not affect me. I just have a collection of toys. Maybe I should give them names now lol.
Interesting comments but I agree sex does help so much with your MH.

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It really does!! I’m going to try the 14 day partner challenge (thanks hanx) although it’ll probably take 28 days tbh lol… :roll_eyes:

And @Calltainn, name them!!!